What do society finches eat

Many parrot species have yet to produce more than a few generations in aviculture, if that. But African parrots were popular in Roman times, and cagebirds have been popular in Asia for thousands of years. In fact, among the many ancient treasures of Asia are wall hangings and paintings showing a variety of species of finches and songbirds, some wild, some caged. A few of these hangings, some many centuries old, depict a finch species apparently already domesticated.

It is still being commonly kept all over the world, and it is known nowadays as the Bengalese finch, or the society finch, Lonchura striata domestica. These charming finches have gregarious natures and are highly sociable.

Society finches normally come in a charming variegated pattern of dark chocolate and white, or the fairly common gender-linked recessive color of fawn and white. If you find a good finch breeder, you can usually choose from a range of colors, from all light to all dark, and various colors in between.

Society finches possess a well-deserved reputation for being relentless in their adoration of baby birds, whether their own or not. Most society finches greatly adore babies and do their best to help rear any baby bird they find, whatever species it happens to be.

This appears to be one trait shared by all society finches: the whole flock helps to raise babies. This skill at parenting makes the humble society finches very useful to keep around for babies of rarer finch and waxbill species. Hatchlings that show up in a society finch nest are usually readily accepted and willingly tended to as long as they are vaguely similar in size and appearance to that of a society chick.

And by vaguely, I mean just that! I once caught a pair of society finches feeding a nestful of canary chicks almost three times as large as themselves.

They had to sneak into the canary cage in the first place, mind you, and then the only way they could feed the chicks was to hang upside down on the cage wire above the canary nest. It was quite clear that she was completely at a loss about it all. Both society finch genders are identical in appearance to the eye, but if you spend a little time sitting and watching them, it becomes quite easy to tell them apart.

Male societies are enthusiastic nest-builders and love to display their prowess. Their favorite way to do this is to take a long piece of grass in their beak—the longer, the better—to a stretch of perch near a prospective mate. The female society finch will usually demurely pretend to ignore him as he commences an antic little dance, beeping an enthusiastic accompaniment while hopping up and down and waving his piece of grass as attractively as he can manage.

Nails can be clipped with fingernail clippers. Be careful not to snip the quick vein inside the nail. If a nail bleeds after it is cut, you can stop the bleeding by applying Quick Stop. If no such product is available you can stick the nail into a bar of soap or apply flour or cornstarch. Society finches typically are easy to breed and they raise their babies in the home, with the male helping the female.

Breeding season usually is in the spring, March to July, in North America. Breeding society finches in pair cages is ideal, but they can be bred in aviaries. The classic breeding cage is about 24 inches long, 14 inches tall and 10 inches wide.

The standard canary breeding cage is a good choice. Society finches build a nest in a half-open basket hung on the side of the breeding cage. Small wooden finch boxes also could be used. If breeding in an aviary, scatter the boxes, providing about two boxes per pair to prevent quarreling over nest sites.

Nests should be placed so they can be inspected without too much disturbance. Provide building materials such as dry grasses, moss, and cow hair, unraveled cut hemp rope, which should be placed on the floor of the cage or aviary. Provide plenty of food for the pair to feed their young, especially egg foods and some fresh greens. Sprouted or germinated seeds are also relished. The chicks can be banded at 8 to 10 days of age. Other family pets such as cats and dogs often kill society finches.

Offer bananas, apples, pears, melon, peaches, pumpkin, strawberry and pineapple. Some finches enjoy raspberries, blackberries, nectarine and cherries.

Grapes can be fed occasionally, although they don't have a great deal of nutrition. Eggs are very good for finches. Add some cooked egg to your bird's diet weekly. Hard boil an egg; mash it and serve with some crushed shell for added calcium. Some birds enjoy an occasional piece of cheese or lean, cooked meat or fish. Dairy products should be fed in moderation.

Let us have a look at a list of food items that are suitable for your pet bird. Fruits : The below list of fruits are suitable for your pet finches. Ensure they are unprocessed, fresh and wash them before serving. Greens : The below list of greens are suitable for your pet finches, but you must serve them in small quantities. Vegetables : The below list of vegetables is suitable for your pet finches. Again, you must ensure they are organic and fresh.

Now you know what finches like to eat in their meal, and by maintaining the right balance, you can provide them food with high nutritional value. Let us also look at the other side, i. Just like humans, certain food items are unsuitable for your pet finches.

There may be various reasons, like some food can be toxic, some may upset their stomach, and others may have little to absolutely no nutritional value. So, now you know about the food that is unsafe or unsuitable for your pet finches.


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