Follow the path then continue up to kill a Sorceress , and grab the Humanity from the corpse. Head back this ramp and turn right, where you will head down and face several Giant Humanities to reach the Black Flame at the end.
If you chose against saving the baby wolf, and went right instead, you will need a long range weapon or extensive use of the Silver Pendant , as there will be an Oolacile Sorceress attacking you from afar as you attempt to fight the spirits. Once the area is clear, don't follow the prism stones down to the boss and the slab, on the left just yet.
Instead, go to the wall that you came down and fall off the ledge to the left for "Help Me! This leads to the same area as the optional route, but without spirit Alvina guiding you along to save the puppy. Follow the collapsed pillar with Prism Stones around it down then head under the pillar for a Twin Humanities.
Head into the caves next to the pillar, and turn right at the intersection, fighting off two Giant Humanities along the way, to find the White Titanite Slab on a ledge. Turn around and drop down the ledge and fight the few spirits on your left to gain a Soul of a Hero.
Now all that is left is to traverse the fog gate , and face a very formidable opponent. Boss Fight: Manus, Father of the Abyss. Chasm of the abyss is one of the best places to farm humanity. Starting from the Chasm's bonfire, head forward and carefully follow the path keeping your right. Keep looking for a lonely resident red eyes in the dark because you will need to get on his platform.
Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. You know when you first see the Humanity ghosts? If you walk to the left you should fall through a false ledge and see a spirit of Alvina, as you get close it will disappear and reappear further ahead. Keep following it until it stops at a seemingly dead end wall, attack the false wall and Sif will be down a little corridor surrounded by Humanity Ghosts and in the protective barrier Artorias protected him with.
Rescuing Sif and then going to get the Covenant of Artorias ring just makes that fight all the more depressing : Okay cool. But I wanna know what I'm supposed to do with this chick before I leave. Should I give the Lordvessel to Frampt or Kaathe? Do you have to kill Sif? Can you place the Lordvessel and still talk to Kaathe?
Do you need abyss ring for Manus? What happens if you place the Lordvessel on the altar? What happens if you side with Kaathe? Can you beat ds1 without killing SIF? Do you have to kill Sif to get lordvessel?
Do you have to kill Sif to get the DLC? Hit the wall she was in front of to reveal its illusion. Sift will be trapped inside of the room and surrounded by Giant Humanities. Once all the Humanities have been killed, Sif will be free, disappear, and drop the Cleansing Greatshield. Players can drop down onto this cliff and then straight into the Humanities pit from it without taking damage. The Giant Humanities will immediately rush you, but a weapon with a long reach can keep them at bay.